No more shame, no more fear
For me, middle school was a complete crapshoot. There were bullies, puberty and that sweeping awkwardness accompanying all social interactions. I..
Joshua Musser Gritter co-pastors First Presbyterian Church in Salisbury, North Carolina, with his wife Lara. They watch movies together with their dog Red.
For me, middle school was a complete crapshoot. There were bullies, puberty and that sweeping awkwardness accompanying all social interactions. I..
Mountains carry an immense spiritual freight in the biblical imagination. After 400 weary years of slavery in Egypt, Israel is constituted as..
I remember the day we canceled in-person worship. I thought to myself, “Wow, this is really hard.” But I’m sure by now..
These past few weeks, Langston Hughes’ evocative poem “Let America be America Again” has been shaking me. (Take a moment to read..
Lately I’ve seen a lot of Facebook posts written with the catchphrase “Nurses are heroes.” Nothing could be truer. There is something..
Being a pastor during this pandemic feels something like the life of Bill Murray’s cynical weatherman character, Phil Conners, in the classic..
In the early 1990s a savage war broke out in the streets of Serbia. Fear and anxiety spread like a virus. Schools..
Before last Wednesday We were like ancient Babylonians Huddled together building our babel towers And we all spoke one language Work, make,..
One of my favorite moments in film takes place in “The Shawshank Redemption.” Andy Dufrense, ex-banker and supposed ex-murderer, has been serving..
I remember hearing a pastor once define church in a way that struck me as odd. He said, “The church is supposed..
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