The promotion of social righteousness
Our church is approaching the end of a sermon series exploring the “Great Ends of the Church” as articulated by the United..
Rachel Young is the associate pastor of congregational health with Clear Lake Presbyterian Church in Houston, Texas.
Our church is approaching the end of a sermon series exploring the “Great Ends of the Church” as articulated by the United..
A caveat as I begin: Scripturally speaking, it is true to speak of the Holy Spirit as a dove. After all, the..
This week we asked our bloggers what they had learned from spiritual practices and disciples. This is how they responded. This Lent,..
Our congregation has been wrestling with the concept of missionality — that we, as the church, engage with God in God’s mission to..
But when they measured [the manna] out, everyone had just enough. Those who gathered a lot had nothing left over, and those..
A few days before Christmas, NPR's Radiolab released a program entitled "Worth." The first story, "How Much Would You Pay for a..
A couple weeks ago, I reflected to a friend, "I am so sick of being sick!" Though much, much better than a..
“For nearly one thousand five hundred years Christians have spent the days of Advent not in passive inaction, but in activities strenuous..
"Christian brotherhood is not an ideal which we must realize; it is rather a reality created by God in Christ in which..
I recalled these familiar words from “Kung Fu Panda” as I was touring the facility of a church pastored by a colleague in a..
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