Order of worship — January 3, 2021
You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. It is free for..
Roger Gench is theologian in residence at Second Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia. Roger is the author of “The Cross Examen,” a book that finds nodes of connection between rich spiritual reflection and profound engagement in public life.
You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. It is free for..
A Christmas Eve prayer based on Luke 2:1-14 and John 1:1-14 by Roger Gench.
Galatians 4:4-7 Christmas 1B The year 2020 has been a chaotic one by any measure! And as we have grappled with formidable..
You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. It is free for..
You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. It is free for..
Luke 1:26-38 Advent 4B I’ve never had much interest in British royalty and know next to nothing about them. But in our..
Merciful God, hear our prayers for a world that continues to grapple with a relentless virus, and our gratitude for the light..
You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. It is free for..
Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; Luke 1:46b-55 Advent 3B Isaiah 61 provides an inspiring vision for profoundly disorienting, destabilizing times — such as the..
You are welcome to use this liturgy in your online worship services and distribute it to your congregation. It is free for..
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