Benedictory Holy yard work THIS SUMMER I’VE BEEN “putting my house in order.” Or to be more accurate, I’ve been trying to put my yard in..
Benedictory Ruling elders? THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE SURE HAS ITS QUIRKS. Why else are lawyers disbarred and clergy defrocked, but cowboys aren’t deranged or dry cleaners..
Benedictory Zooming past grace ONE THURSDAY AFTERNOON IN NAIROBI, I went for a walk with my friend, Anselm. We strolled through the neighborhoods that surround the..
Benedictory Love looks like … I WILL NEVER FORGET MY WEDDINGS. You are reading correctly: I had two weddings. A very small and private wedding in Georgia..
Benedictory Our persistent prejudice and resilient virtue by Dean Thompson AS WE PONDER HATRED’S COMPLEX DYNAMICS, Charles M. Blow’s profound picture provides pastoral insight. “Hate is never about..
Benedictory My pastor IN JUST A FEW DAYS, as I write these words, I will lose my pastor. After almost 20 years as the pastor..
Benedictory Think rightly of God I’ve been thinking… “Thoughts constitute the greatness of man,” wrote Pascal in “The Pensées.” He explains it this way: “I wish to..
Benedictory Real life: Preach as if you are dying ABOVE THE DESK IN MY STUDY I have the advice modern mystic Annie Dillard gives to those who ask her about her..
Benedictory Misneach NOT LONG AGO MY HUSBAND AND I ACQUIRED a little boat — a 1973 Swedish-built 25-foot fiberglass troller that has a reputation..
Benedictory Faith remembered MEMORY IS COMPLEX, YET CRUCIAL to much of life. As well as providing creatures with mental patterns of essential routines, it’s the..