The interview was going well as I shared my vision for all that I could offer as the program director for the main unit of the Greensboro Salvation Army Boys’ and Girls’ Club.
On Tuesday morning, I got the call that Kennedy had been born and everyone was doing well. At eleven I gathered with family and friends to celebrate Clara Mae’s life as we grieved her passing.
If I had the guts the narrative section (part II, step 5 of 6, sections 3, 4, 5, and 6) of my next PIF would read as follows: (all responses will be kept to the required 1,500 character limit.)
“What did you bring us? Mom, what’d you bring us?” That is always the chorus from my children upon my return from any overnight trip, never mind that some trips are to exotic locals such as Winnsboro, S.C.
Family members may think that taking their children to Sunday School is their main act of Christian education, but what they do seven days a week is most critical.
Last summer, the General Assembly essentially decided that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) was not ready yet to make a clear decision on the recommendations of the Form of Government Task Force.