
Miracle Minnie

“What did you bring us? Mom, what’d you bring us?” That is always the chorus from my children upon my return from any overnight trip, never mind that some trips are to exotic locals such as Winnsboro, S.C.

Home-grown faith

Family members may think that taking their children to Sunday School is their main act of Christian education, but what they do seven days a week is most critical.

Where FOG stands now

Last summer, the General Assembly essentially decided that the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) was not ready yet to make a clear decision on the recommendations of the Form of Government Task Force.

The Presbyterian deacon

For those who love people and want to follow in the ministry of Jesus Christ, there is no better office to assume than that of deacon in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

20 minutes with David Eicher

When do churches need a new hymnal -- not just new volumes, but new selections? Who decides how many hymns to include, which ones are "in" and which ones are "out"? Leslie Scanlon, Outlook national reporter, recently talked with David Eicher, the new hymnal editor for the Presbyterian Publishing Corp. to get more information on the new Presbyterian Hymnal now in the planning stages.

L.S.: Let's start with your background. Why don't you introduce yourself to the church a little bit?

D.E.: I've been involved in music in the Presbyterian Church for almost 30 years. My background was not Presbyterian; I was raised the son of a Church of the Brethren and grew up in a real hymn-singing tradition. My parents both sang. And my sister and I, when we got old enough -- the great excitement was when finally my voice changed and I could sing tenor, and then we had a soprano, alto, tenor and bass. The whole family would sing. One of our games in the car when we were traveling was to see how many stanzas of hymns we could sing through, without any books.

Mission and money: Council facing decisions on raising, allocating funds

LOUISVILLE -- In just two short months, the General Assembly Council will be asked to vote upon a proposed budget for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for the next two years. And one difficult decision the council will have to make at its meeting April 23-25 is how much to spend on international missionaries.

The bottom line: because the denomination does not have enough money, the number of mission co-workers serving the denomination overseas is dropping at what's been described as a "precipitous pace."

