MINNEAPOLIS — The 219th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) resoundingly approved a proposal for a new Form of Government for the denomination — a proposal that’s been four years in the making and which some say will give the PC(USA) more flexibility to meet the mission needs of a changing world.
Minneapolis — Images of the Middle East welcomed guests to a gathering at the 219th General Assembly (2010) in celebration of the mission and vision of the Rawdat El Zuhur School in East Jerusalem and in honor of the achievements of two of the school’s most passionate advocates.
Editor's Note: Several former moderators of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have issued a statement endorsing the amended Middle East Study Committee report. It is posted here as a courtesy to the authors/signatories.
MINNEAPOLIS — Linda Valentine, executive director of the General Assembly Mission Council (GAMC), was re-elected to a second four-year term of service by the General Assembly July 7.
MINNEAPOLIS — A Presbyterian anti-war organization says it is donating $10,000 to three Jewish groups in Europe that are loading a boat with humanitarian supplies in a fresh attempt to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza.
MINNEAPOLIS – Despite the economic downturn, the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program, known as PILP, continues to serve growing Presbyterian congregations and is doing well financially, even with the bumpy financial markets.
MINNEAPOLIS – At the start of the plenary session today (July 7), Cynthia Bolbach, moderator of the 219th General Assembly, asked the commissioners and advisory delegates to join her in a test drive of the assembly’s new electronic keypad voting system.
MINNEAPOLIS—The Form of Government Revision committee, with celebratory applause, passed a revised version of the proposed new FoG – a new approach supporters say will give the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) a form of government that is more streamlined and more responsive to local ministry needs.
MINNEAPOLIS – The Directory for Worship of the Book of Order would define marriage as being between “two people” instead of being between a man and a woman, if the full General Assembly accepts the recommendations of the Committee on Civil Union and Marriage Issues of the 219th General Assembly.