
GA 2010: Bolbach Elected

Six candidates, four rounds of voting, hours of talking, and a few technical glitches made Saturday's election of Cynthia Bolbach as Moderator..

GA 2010: Earth Care Awards to be presented at luncheon July 6

Since 1997, Presbyterians for Earth Care (formerly Presbyterians for Restoring Creation) has given awards annually to publicly recognize individuals and groups, institutions, and churches for their leadership and accomplishments in caring for God’s creation. Individuals receive the William Gibson Lifetime Achievement Award, and congregations or institutions receive the Restoring Creation Award.

Video report: Jack Haberer talks with Mustafa Barghouthi

The former Palestinian presidential candidate (received 19 percent of the vote when Mahmoud Abbas was elected in 2005), and founder/general secretary of the third Palestinian political party shares his hopes for reconciliation and peacemaking in the Middle East with Outlook editor, Jack Haberer, when they met recently in Dr. Barghouthi's Ramallah office.

