
Princeton, Union seminaries mark 200 years

Ask 100 American residents what happened in 1812, and 98 will probably say, “the War of 1812.” But two of the 100 just might say, “A new Presbyterian seminary.” The two could well be speaking of different schools, however, for that year brought the launch of both Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey and Union Theological Seminary (now Union Presbyterian Seminary) in Virginia.

Who Said That the PCUSA Was Deathly Ill?

Almost immediately after the White Paper of the Presbyterian Fellowship appeared, intense reaction followed. Two phrases seemed to attract the most concern. The mention of bringing together a group of theologically “like-minded” people created a powerful reaction in a denomination that has learned to prize its theological pluralism. In another column we can ponder that idea. The other incendiary phrase was “deathly ill,” which was used to describe the prognosis of the PCUSA. Who said “deathly ill” and upon what basis? That prognosis came from me. Let me tell you why.

