Good evening, I’m Michael Kirby, minister member from Good Shepherd, Chicago, and I’ve been asked to speak to you on behalf of those supporting Amendment 10-A.
This brief essay will cover three sub-topics. Namely:
1. What does the New Testament say about homosexual practice? 2. Misguided readings of these New Testament texts. 3. What is at stake in the discussion?
The Apostle Paul says we hold this treasure – meaning the Gospel – in earthen vessels. The same can be said for our polity. Any polity is an imperfect vessel in which we seek to hold the perfect will of God for the church. However, I firmly believe that the document that is before you is a significant improvement over the current Form of Government.
One stated purpose of the authors of the New Form of Government is to “empower the church to engage effectively in the mission of God in the twenty-first century.”
The 219th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has sent to the presbyteries a host of amendments to ratify or disapprove. This report presents unbiased pro/con summaries that explain
There’s no question: The bread-and-butter of Presbyterian camps and conference centers is, not surprisingly, Presbyterians. In other words, the core usage is for classic church-related programming such as summer youth camps and church retreats, leadership training, and spiritual development.