
GA NEWS: Wedding performed at More Light dinner June 21

A same-sex wedding made possible by a recent California Supreme Court decision was held June 21 at the conclusion of the More Light Presbyterians’ traditional reception and dinner during the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

         After First Church, Palo Alto, Calif., received the More Light Presbyterians’ Inclusive Church Award, two of its members, Derrick Kikuchi and Craig Wiesner, received the National More Light Presbyterians David Sindt Leadership Award. 

GA NEWS: Same-sex marriage performed at More Light banquet

Hundreds of More Light Presbyterians filled the ballroom at the Marriott Hotel Saturday night for their traditional General Assembly Reception and Dinner.  Once the dinner plates had been cleared, and the cake was eaten, it began to look like the reception was almost over.  But the marriage ceremony had not yet begun.

GA NEWS: Joe Small honored with Festschrift

SAN JOSE - Surrounded by about 40 colleagues, friends and family members, Joseph D. Small was honored at a gathering of his peers June 20. Small was presented a Festschrift, a book of collected theological essays honoring Small’s achievements and leadership in the field of ecclesial theology.

GA NEWS: “You have a tiger God:” GA plenary opens June 21

SAN JOSE – The 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) kicked off this morning with some bursts of hope – with voices from the leadership of the denomination telling of their work and their conviction that, in the words of Robert Wilson, vice-moderator of the 217th General Assembly, “we are better together.”

