
WCC explores how to adapt to changing religious world

GENEVA (ENInews) – The World Council of Churches (WCC) Central Committee on Feb. 17 took a hard look at whether it can adapt quickly enough to rapidly changing ecumenical and interreligious realities. If it cannot, one delegate noted, fixation on governance and institutional survival may "suck the life out of the ecumenical movement."

An Appeal for the Word

Presbyteries are voting on many amendments. I’m writing about Amendment ‘A’ which would delete G-6.0106b from our Book of Order. For almost fifteen years this paragraph has clarified that we Presbyterians believe what the Christian church has always believed, namely, that God’s intention for us humans is “to live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman (W-4.9001), or [in] chastity in singleness.”

