
God Box in New York more diverse at age 50

NEW YORK (ENI) — The 19-story granite building on Manhattan’s upper west side, often referred to as the “God Box,” is 50 years old. New York’s Interchurch Center, one of the most visible symbols of Christian ecumenism in the United States, is marking its 50th anniversary as the modern ecumenical movement for Christian unity is celebrating its 100th.

World ending May 21, Christian group claims

A Christian broadcaster Harold Camping says the rapture is coming on May 21. A movement of his followers, loosely connected via broadcasts and Web sites, is purchasing billboards, handing out leaflets on street corners, and spreading the word in the two-thirds world to draw many to the faith before that fateful day arrives.

Tribes. Us. Them.

In the ancient Middle East, about a dozen days after the first Christmas (as tradition numbers the days), the gospel broke down an historic tribal barrier as Persians worshiped the Son of Israel’s God.

