MINNEAPOLIS – Some after-hours brainstorming yielded key changes in a document that may drastically affect the church’s clout and credibility with Israelis, Palestinians and American Jews.
MINNEAPOLIS — The Health Issues Committee of the 219th General Assembly opened this morning (July 6) passing a motion to reconsider the previously approved “Taking a Stand Against Forced and Coerced Abortions.”
MINNEAPOLIS – Once again, a General Assembly committee has passed an overture recommending that controversial language in the constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) regarding gay ordination be removed.
MINNEAPOLIS – The Committee on Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations passed today (July 6) a recommendation to commend and refer back to its authors for further refinement the “Christians and Jews: People of God” document – addressing the theological understanding of relationships between the two religious groups.
The work of seeding a movement of change in building up all of God’s creation has begun to build into a movement, Rick Ufford-Chase told the annual luncheon of the Presbyterians for Earth Care today (July 6). “I see the signs all around me that what has been on the fringes of respectability has moved to the center of our life as a denomination,” he said.[caption id="attachment_21957" align="alignright" width="288"]Bob Stivers receives the William Gibson Award at the Presbyterians for Earth Care luncheon. Photo by Erin Dunigan.[/caption]
“It is one thing to say, ‘Let justice roll down like the living waters,’ but it is another to work out the irrigation system,” said Katie Day, quoting from William Sloane Coffin. Day, a parish associate and professor of church and society at Lutheran Theological Seminary, spoke in favor of General Assembly resolution 11-06, “Gun violence, gospel values: mobilizing in response to God’s Call.”[caption id="attachment_21955" align="alignright" width="288"]Committee 11 Social Justice Issues B: the Exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the World votes unanimously to recommend resolution on gun violence to the General Assembly. [/caption]
MINNEAPOLIS — “Authoritative interpretation” was the phrase of the day Monday (July 5) in deliberations by the 219th General Assembly Church Polity Committee, which dispensed with a dozen recommendations before bogging down because of the most troublesome word of the day: trust.
MINNEAPOLIS Amid discussion that ranged from amicable to acrimonious on Monday (July 5), the Health Issues Committee of the 219th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) worked through its business of HIV testing, violence against pregnant women, coerced abortions, and being an HIV- and AIDS-competent denomination.
MINNEAPOLIS — "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" echoed down the hall from Committee 15 early Monday morning (July 5) at the 219th General Assembly (2010). Presbyterians passing by peaked into the room and a few said, “I wish I was in that group!” The 55 members gathered in the room to consider overtures and reports regarding church growth, Christian education, and the Presbyterian Investment & Loan Program, Inc.
MINNEAPOLIS — “Let us hear about this crazy thing God is doing with the church.” That was the invitation of Gradye Parsons, stated clerk of the General Assembly, to the capacity crowd at the 219th General Assembly (2010) breakfast July 4. His invitation was illuminated later by the breakfast’s speaker, Phyllis Tickle, author of The Great Emergence; How Christianity is Changing and Why.