Outlook Horizons Studies An economy of grace HORIZONS BIBLE STUDY 2014-2015 RECONCILING PAUL Lesson Seven, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 Every day I pass a Virginia Lottery billboard on my way..
Outlook Horizons Studies Godly aromas (Lesson 6) HORIZONS BIBLE STUDY 2014-2015 RECONCILING PAUL Lesson Six, 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 Some smells take us back in time to a moment, a..
Outlook Horizons Studies Confession in community HORIZONS BIBLE STUDY 2014-2015 RECONCILING PAUL Lesson Five, 2 Corinthians 5:16-6:11 A rare but often repeated complaint about weekly worship has to..
Outlook Horizons Studies Crackpots for Christ HORIZONS BIBLE STUDY 2014-2015 RECONCILING PAUL Lesson Four, 2 Corinthians 4:7-5:10 Do you think of yourself as a clay jar, ordinary and utilitarian?..
Outlook Horizons Studies Covenants, old and new (Horizons 3) HORIZONS BIBLE STUDY 2014-2015: RECONCILING PAUL Lesson 3: 2 Corinthians 3 When you were young, did you make a solemn promise with another..
Outlook Horizons Studies God will use this … (Horizons lesson 2) HORIZONS BIBLE STUDY 2014-2015 Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians “God will use this so that you can help others.”..
Outlook Horizons Studies “A Letter to the Contemporary Church” and Chapter 1 HORIZONS BIBLE STUDY 2014-2015 Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians What has been your experience in the reading and study..
Outlook Horizons Studies Overview of “Reconciling Paul: A Contemporary Study of 2 Corinthians” Preview of 2014-2015 Horizons Bible study Have you ever been copied on an email that was only part of a conversation? It..
Outlook Horizons Studies God’s way is possible (Horizons 9) Lesson 9 — Deuteronomy 30 B.J. is 6 years old, shy and cute as a button. He likes to hide just ahead..
Outlook Horizons Studies The problem with waiting Lesson 8 — Exodus 32:1-24; 34:1-6 The fellowship hall was full of people from 90-year-olds to babies. The adults were having a..