Outlook Standard Lessons God’s saving love in Christ (April 9, 2017) UNIFORM LESSON FOR April 9, 2017 Scripture passage and lesson focus: John 3:1-17 The third chapter of the Gospel of John is best..
Outlook Standard Lessons God as our shepherd (April 2, 2017) UNIFORM LESSON FOR April 2, 2017 Scripture passage and lesson focus: Psalm 23 For some people, reading this familiar psalm can be a..
Outlook Standard Lessons God’s love restores (March 26, 2017) UNIFORM LESSON FOR March 26, 2017 Scripture passage and lesson focus: Joel 2:12-13, 18-19, 28-32 Many Christians seem to think it is necessary..
Outlook Standard Lessons God’s love made visible (March 19, 2017) UNIFORM LESSON FOR March 19, 2017 Scripture passage and lesson focus: John 15:1-17 The “I am” sayings of Jesus are a well-known and..
Outlook Standard Lessons God’s boundless love (March 12, 2017) UNIFORM LESSON FOR March 12, 2017 Scripture passage and lesson focus: Ephesians 2:1-10 The epistle to the Ephesians has been often attributed to..
Outlook Standard Lessons The source of all love (March 5, 2017) UNIFORM LESSON FOR March 5, 2017 Scripture passage and lesson focus: 1 John 4:7-21 The short book of 1 John could easily be..
Outlook Standard Lessons Living Spirit-filled lives (February 26, 2017) UNIFORM LESSON FOR February 26, 2017 Scripture passage and lesson focus: Galatians 5:18-6:10 In his epistle to the Galatians, Paul proclaims his..
Outlook Standard Lessons Freedom in Christ (February 19, 2017) UNIFORM LESSON FOR February 19, 2017 Scripture passage and lesson focus: Galatians 5:1-12 The meaning of freedom depends on a person’s situation in..
Outlook Standard Lessons New birth brings freedom (February 12, 2017) UNIFORM LESSON FOR February 12, 2017 Scripture passage and lesson focus: Galatians 4:8-20 Listening in on a contentious conversation between two parties whose..
Outlook Standard Lessons Praise God the creator (January 22, 2017) UNIFORM LESSON FOR January 22, 2017 Scripture passage and lesson focus: Psalm 104:1-9, 24-30 For many people, the doctrine of creation is a..