How do we make sense of complicated family dynamics in our lives and in our faith history? Chris Burton reflects on the women present in Jesus' genealogy.
In this second week of Advent, communities around the world will speak of peace, but what do we really mean? How far-reaching is our understanding of peace? Chris Burton reflects.
"Ruth demonstrates tremendous hope. Hope that this tragedy will not unwrite her own story. Hope that there is more to be written, and more to be lived," writes Chris Burton.
If we believe God’s faithfulness is creating new life within each person, then pressuring others to conform to a particular version of faith fails to honor the Spirit, writes Ted Foote, Jr.
When reading Galatians, it can be easy to conceptualize the law as an evil disciplinarian. Rose Schrott Taylor argues that this isn't what Paul is saying.
Just as Paul turns to Abraham for an example of God's goodness in Galatians 3, British Hyrams turns to the life Melva Wilson Costen as a personal example.