Hymns When Joseph Came to Bethlehem (Joseph’s carol) When Joseph came to Bethlehem His life seemed all awry. His fair young bride was great with child He knew not how..
Hymns Lord, Hear the Cries of Children (free hymn) PASSION CHORALE D (“O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”) Lord, hear the cries of children who struggle every day, Caught up in..
Prayers for the moment A prayer for pastors on Easter Dear Lord, I pray for all the pastors today Who will feel enormous pressure to have their sermon Match the greatness of..
Hymns Christ, You Are the Savior (free hymn) ASH GROVE (“Let All Things Now Living”) Christ, you are the Savior, the Way to the Father, The Truth we depend..
Hymns Hymn for Blessing of the Animals services O God, Your Creatures Fill the Earth("I Sing the Mighty Power of God")Lyrics by Carolyn GilletteO God, your creatures fill the earth..
Hymns A hymn-prayer for elections Presbyterian pastor/hymn writer Carolyn Winfrey Gillette has a hymn-prayer for election times.
Hymns Advent hymns or Christmas carols Advent Hymns or Christmas Carols Hymn #1 for the First Sunday of Advent -God, You Alone Know What You've Planned - $9.95Hymn..
Prayers for the moment A Mother’s Day Litany A litany focusing on God as mother and expressing gratitude for all the earthly mothers we encounter.
Hymns A hymn for “Christ the King” Sunday A hymn for “Christ the King” Sunday, November 23Whatever You DoST. DENIO (“Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”) Text by Carolyn Gillette