Prayers for the moment Prayer for Tuesday of Holy Week Lord Christ, Hosanna in the highest, even as you prepare to face your death, you continue your God-given work. We marvel at..
Prayers for the moment Prayer for Monday of Holy Week Lord, after the crowds and noise, the branches and cloaks, the shouts of “Hosanna!” and the scramble to follow your instructions and..
Prayers for the moment Prayer for Palm/Passion Sunday Cloaks on the road, leafy branches cut from the fields of those who welcomed you, Lord Christ, all offerings of what people..
Looking into the lectionary March 25, 2018 — Palm/Passion Sunday Mark 11:1-11 Palm/Passion Sunday, Year B Why are you doing this? What are you doing? These two questions are front and center..
Looking into the lectionary 5th Sunday in Lent — March 18, 2018 John 12:20-33 (34-36) Lent 5B Some Greeks want to see Jesus. They must have heard stories about Jesus. Word had gotten around..
Looking into the lectionary 4th Sunday in Lent — March 11, 2018 Numbers 21:4-9; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21 Lent 4B John 3:16. Even in this age when education through memorization has fallen out of..
Looking into the lectionary 3rd Sunday in Lent — March 4, 2018 Exodus 20:1-17; John 2:13-22 Lent 3B Jesus, early in his ministry in John’s Gospel, ventures to Jerusalem for the festival of Passover...
Looking into the lectionary 2nd Sunday of Lent — February 25, 2018 Mark 8:31-38 Lent 2B Immediately after Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah, Jesus begins to teach the disciples that he will..
Looking into the lectionary 1st Sunday in Lent — February 18, 2018 Mark 1:9-15 Lent 1B Mark’s Holy Spirit dove does not sit cooing on a nearby branch, placidly watching. No, Mark’s version of..
Prayers for the moment Prayer for Parkland, Florida Lord God, on this Ash Wednesday when we repent and turn to the gospel, we once again turn to you with cries..