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2nd Sunday in Advent — “When John the Baptist Preached”


After your purchase, you will be emailed .pdfs with the lyrics and sheet music for each hymn.


On this page, you can purchase the hymn “When John the Baptist Preached,” which corresponds with Matthew 3:1-12 — the gospel reading for the second week of Advent in Year A.

And as a bonus, we will provide a second Advent hymn: “O God, Your Grace Has Now Appeared.”

If you are interested in more Advent hymns, you may consider purchasing a package of songs: One for every Sunday — Four hymns for Advent Year A, Advent Year A — Every hymn package.

All hymns were written by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. Carolyn is the author of over 400 hymns that have been sung by thousands of congregations around the world. She and her husband Bruce are Presbyterian ministers who have served congregations in New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and New Jersey. She has two new books: I Sing to My Savior: New Hymns from the Stories in the Gospel of Luke (July 2022), and God’s World is Changing: New Hymns for Advent and Christmas (November 2022). For each of the hymns in these books, there is also a scripture reading, a meditation, and questions for personal or group reflection.
