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Mending the breach: A conversation about reparations

Join key Presbyterian thought leaders in a conversation about reparations and repair.

Suggested price: $15.00

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90-minute webinar with Q&A
November 7, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. EST
On-demand replay will be available

The idea of reparations in the United States has been considered, in one form or another, since the 1700s. Denominationally, the topic of repair has been floated since the 1960s. In the U.S. Congress, resolutions have arisen – but a concerted, national effort to bring about reparatory justice for the descendants of those who were kidnapped, enslaved, driven from their own lands, forced into schools that stripped their language and identity, has not come to fruition.

Aristotle said, “Education is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.” Truly coming to terms with the human destruction that happened on U.S. soil, for many, is a painful journey. Generations who have lived with the compounded weight and sadness of that destruction have their own painful journey.

Writers for the September issue of the Outlook considered the act of repair and the steps the PC(USA) is taking to help mend the breach. This webinar to the continue the conversation. Panelists include Jermaine Ross-Allam, William Yoo, Larissa Kwong Abazia, and Chris Dela Cruz.

Their conversation will be followed by a Q&A with those who join live.

About our panelists:

The Rev. Jermaine Ross-Allam serves as the inaugural director of the Center for the Repair of Historical Harms for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and is a Ph.D. candidate in social ethics at Union Theological Seminary in Manhattan. He is currently completing a book on the social ecology of extralegal violence and impunity against Afro-Americans in the late 1800s.

Dr. William Yoo is associate professor of American religious and cultural history at Columbia Theological Seminary. He is the author of What Kind of Christianity: A History of Slavery and Anti-Black Racism in the Presbyterian Church and the forthcoming Reckoning with History: Settler Colonialism, Slavery, and the Making of American Christianity.

The Rev. Larissa Kwong Abazia (she/her) is the executive director of NEXT Church, a network of leaders seeking collaboration, resiliency, and creativity for transformation. She has served at all levels of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) as vice moderator of the 221st General Assembly, on the General Assembly Committee on Representation, and in congregations.

The Rev. Chris dela Cruz (he/him) is the director of youth initiatives of Together Lab, which activates, organizes and accompanies teams of everyday people in Oregon to build resilient communities of justice, healing, friendship and joy. His background includes newspaper journalism, youth and college ministry, congregational pastoral ministry and community organizing.

What do I get when I order?

When you order today, you will receive a recording of the webinar.

What is the price?

Given the need for this conversation in the church, the Presbyterian Outlook is offering this webinar in the “pay what you can” format. We don’t want financial constraints to stand in the way of accessing valuable information and resources. All are welcome.

If you are able, we ask you to consider donating. As the only independent publication reporting on the PC(USA), we depend on webinar income, subscriptions and donations to fund our work of providing resources, curating conversations, and reporting on the Presbyterian church. All donations, no matter the amount, play a significant role in funding the Outlook’s mission.

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This webinar is one way that Presbyterian Outlook funds our ministry of being a prophetic, pastoral and independent publication focused on creating trustworthy resources and spaces for conversation. Thank you for your support.
