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New Lenten Hymns 2017 Year A




First Sunday in Lent Year A

God, We Long for Our Own Comfort
Tune: HOLY MANNA D (“God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens”)
Biblical References: Matthew 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13
First Verse
God, we long for our own comfort; we want life that’s full and sure—
Stones to bread, right now, abundant; we forget what shall endure.
When we look to things around us for our pleasure, out of greed,
God, we pray that you’ll remind us: it’s your Word we really need.

Second Sunday in Lent Year A

Who on Earth Can Find God’s Kingdom?
Tune: NETTLETON D (“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing”)
Biblical Reference: John 3:1-17
First Verse
Who on earth can find God’s kingdom? Who can know God’s wondrous reign?
How can we receive the freedom of a people born again?
Can we hear the winds a-blowing— where they come from and return?
Can we see God’s kingdom growing? These are things we long to learn.

Third Sunday in Lent Year A

As Jesus Journeyed with His Friends
Tune: TALLIS’ CANON (“All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night”)
Biblical Reference: John 4:5-42
First Verse
As Jesus journeyed with his friends,
He broke great walls and barriers down.
He showed how far God’s love extends
At Jacob’s Well, outside of town.

Fourth Sunday in Lent Year A

Christ, You Made the Blind Man See
(“Jesus, Lover of My Soul”; “Watchman, Tell Us of the Night”)
Biblical Reference: John 9:1-41
First Verse
Christ, you made the blind man see; with some mud you healed his eyes.
So you acted lovingly, bringing health and changing lives.
Yet it was a Sabbath Day; rules were all that some folks saw;
They were quick to scorn the way you put love before the Law.

Fifth Sunday in Lent Year A

“Lord, If Only You Had Been Here”
Tune: BEACH SPRING D (“God Whose Giving Knows No Ending”)
Biblical Reference: John 11:1-45
First Verse
“Lord, if only you had been here, one I love would not have died.”
Martha shared her grief with Jesus in these words she sadly cried.
Jesus said, “I’m resurrection. Martha, do you know it’s true?
I’m the life for which you’re longing.” She said, “I believe in you!”

Passion/Palm Sunday Year A

Christ Jesus, On Sunday, You Rode into Town
Tune: ST. DENIO 11. 11. 11. 11 (“Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”)
Biblical References: Matthew 21:1-17; 26-28; John 13:1-17
First Verse
Christ Jesus, on Sunday, you rode into town;
The crowds laid their coats and some palms on the ground.
They made you a welcome and called you their king,
But they did not know of the reign you would bring.

Resurrection of the Lord/Easter Day

Now Sing the Gospel Story
Tune: LANCASHIRE D (“The Day of Resurrection”)
Biblical References: 1 Corinthians 15:1-6; Mark 16:1-9; Matthew 16:16; Revelation 22:13; John 20:28
First Verse
Now sing the gospel story, the news we have received!
To God be all the glory for what we now believe:
Christ died to take our sinning; the scriptures say it’s true!
It seemed that death was winning, yet God makes all things new.
