Feminist Religious Leadership: The New Agenda was the theme for Hunt’s words to the gathering. “It’s my experience that the best and the brightest people are always found on the margins,” Hunt observed. Her words were met with nods of affirmation.
By week’s end the General Assembly’s theme of Micah 6:8 might seem trite, she warned. In light of this, she offered the gathering some specific ways to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly.
We need to be “always erring on the side of inclusion, even if we are not always sure what that will mean,” said Hunt. “We need to take account of our privilege, account of our struggles, and of our abundant resources” in order to “create a world in which our children’s children will live.”
The needs of the world, not the failings of the church should set our agenda and those needs, according to Hunt, were resoundingly along the themes of justice and inclusion.