
Lenten devotions — Year A (2020)

Are you looking for theologically sound, inspiring and affordable Lenten devotions for the congregation?

5 weeks of Lenten devotions plus bonus prayers for Holy Week — $19.99

Letting go and holding on

The liturgical season of Lent invites us to refocus on God as we prayerfully examine our priorities, actions, thoughts and expectations.

Often, we give something up for Lent as a way of reminding us daily of Jesus’ sacrifice. We might also take on additional spiritual practices or acts of service so as to follow Jesus more closely. These devotions invite you to both let go and hold on. Each week offers you the opportunity to let go of that which distracts from discerning God’s presence and instead hold on to that which God promises.

  • Week 1 asks us to let go of that which separates us and hold on to communion with God and others, trusting God’s promise to never leave us.
  • Week 2 calls us to set aside empty words and hold on to God’s wisdom, knowing that God promises to give us the words we are called to speak.
  • Week 3 invites us to let go of perfectionism and instead hold on to God’s care, trusting God’s promise of compassion and nurture.
  • Week 4 asks us to let go of our fear in order to embrace the gift of God’s promised peace.
  • Week 5 urges us to let go of judgment and hold on to God’s amazing grace.
  • During Holy Week we are invited to let go of death and in order to attend to the abundant life Jesus promises.

Each week starts with a brief reflection on a theme followed by a Bible reading, a suggested practice and a prayer for each day of the week. These downloadable Lenten devotions are well suited for individuals, small groups or an entire congregation. Grounded in Scripture, featuring simple spiritual practices and short prayers these accessible reflections will deepen your church’s Lenten journey.

These can be printed in the quantity needed for the congregation and inserted in the weekly worship bulletin for worshippers to take home and use throughout the week. Additionally, small groups, sessions, staffs or Sunday school classes could commit to the daily practices and discuss their experiences of them when they gather.

Download the PDF, print as many as you need and insert them into your weekly worship bulletin. Your purchase includes a bulletin-insert sized PDF (prints on a half-page regular sheet of paper) and a full-page version. Both color and black-and-white options are available. You have permission to print as many copies as needed for your use.

We pray these devotions bless you and enrich your Lenten journey.

Buy 5 weeks of Lenten devotions plus bonus prayers for Holy Week and download now — $19.99

