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Helping churches talk about racism

During this webinar, Carolyn B. Helsel offers instruction to congregations who want to start having meaningful conversations about race.

Minimum price: $10.00



90-minute Presbyterian Outlook webinar on-demand replay
Presented by Carolyn B. Helsel

If you are in one of the many predominantly-white Presbyterian congregations across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), chances are that racism isn’t a topic that gets addressed from the pulpit unless there’s a major news event of a hate crime. Many people avoid talking about racism for a number of reasons: worry that they will say the wrong thing, the belief that avoiding the subject will make race less significant or the fear of creating conflict in the church.

As a white preacher and professor of preaching, Carolyn Helsel has written two books to help churches begin these conversations, and people of different races have commented on how her books have helped them engage in deeper conversations with one another on racism. During this webinar, she will help congregations start having meaningful conversations about race.

In this webinar, participants will learn how to:

  • Tell their own stories of how race and racism have impacted their lives.
  • Name their own emotions as an important part of the process.
  • Create spaces in the church’s shared life together to work against racism.

Who should participate?

Preachers, church leaders, Christian educators, youth leaders and all interested people of faith would benefit from this webinar as they seek to better understand the complexities of the sin of racism — and how we as Christians are called to work against it in our churches, communities and society.

What do I get when I order?

When you order today, you will receive a link to a recording of the webinar and any additional resources.

What is the price?

We ask that you pay $10 for individual viewing and $20 if a group views the recording. If your group is larger than 25, please email for pricing.

How do I pay?

Based on the pricing structure outlined above, enter the appropriate amount in the “name your price” box when you check out. Thank you!

This webinar is one way Presbyterian Outlook funds our ministry as a prophetic, pastoral and independent publication focused on creating trustworthy resources and spaces for conversation. Thank you for your support.

Carolyn B. Helsel is assistant professor of homiletics at Austin Seminary. Previously, she served as transitional pastor for The Presbyterian Church in Sudbury (Massachusetts) and as visiting professor at both the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry and Wartburg Theological Seminary in Iowa.  She is the author of “Anxious to Talk About It: Helping White Christians Talk Faithfully About Race” and “Preaching about Racism: A Guide for Faith Leaders.”  She is currently co-authoring “The ABC’s of Diversity: Helping Kids Embrace Our Differences” with Yvette Joy Harris-Smith, to be published next year. She and her family live in Austin, Texas, and enjoy gardening, birding and playing games together.

