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Formulating an Integrative Christian Ethic

In this webinar, Jack Haberer helps you figure out what to do when life gets complicated and the distinctions between good and bad are not so clear.

Minimum price: $10.00



A 90-minute webinar presented by Jack Haberer

Does the Bible really say what others say it says? Does that decision you’re considering boil down to simple right and wrong options? Might there be multiple choices, any one of which could reflect God’s wisdom?

In this webinar, Jack Haberer helps you figure out what to do when life gets complicated and the distinctions between good and bad are not so clear. Using Bible passages as a guide – and proposing ways better to understand those passages that seem to contradict each other – he affirms and then challenges many closely held beliefs, making traditional distinctions between “conservative” and “liberal” Christians obsolete.

Jack Haberer will draw from his latest book, “It’s Complicated: A Guide to Faithful Decision Making” (though you do not need to have read the book to benefit from the webinar).

Why attend?

The webinar will provide a framework – indeed, a toolkit –  to help you make faithful decisions in the face of moral dilemmas.

Who should attend?

Pastors, church leaders and thinking Christians.

What do I get when I order?

When you order today, you will receive a link to a recording of the webinar as well as the slide deck.

What is the price?

We ask that you pay $10 for individual viewing and $20 if a group views the recording. If your group is larger than 25, please email for pricing.

How do I pay?

Based on the pricing structure outlined above, enter the appropriate amount in the “name your price” box when you check out. Thank you!

Jack Haberer is a Presbyterian pastor and the former editor of the Presbyterian Outlook. He is the author of “GodViews: The Convictions the Drive us and Divide Us.” 

Additional information

Product Type

Live Webinar With On-demand Replay (1-6 participants), DVD
