
GA News: 37 presbyteries recognized as tops in mission giving

SAN JOSE — Presbyteries of all sizes, and covering all parts of the country, were honored for their financial support of Presbyterian mission at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s 218th General Assembly, meeting here June 21-28.

Recognition of the “Top 10 Presbyteries in Giving” is a time-honored highlight of the denomination’s biennial gathering, and recognizes presbyteries that have given the most in dollars, or in dollars per member, in several categories of giving.

This year’s awards represent giving to Shared Mission Support, Special Offerings, Other Specific Appeals, and Total Giving for the 2007 calendar year.

“This support is vital to the national and global mission of the PC(USA),” said Karen Schmidt, deputy executive director of communications and funds development for the church’s General Assembly Council (GAC). “Presbyteries demonstrate stewardship by working with their congregations to support the ministries with time, talent and treasure. The donations follow the passions of faithful Presbyterians, and it is the presbyteries that help make those connections possible.”

Many of the presbyteries attained top-10 status in more than one category of giving. Cascades Presbytery in Oregon ranked in six of the eight, with honors for basic mission, special offerings and total giving, by both total dollars and dollars per member.

The smallest presbytery to be honored was Eastern Oregon Presbytery, whose 1,112 members gave generously in the basic mission, special offerings and total giving per member categories.

Santa Fe Presbytery, in New Mexico, had the highest per member giving at $43.64 per member. Philadelphia Presbytery, in Pennsylvania, gave the most in total dollars: $1,063,259.12.

“One of the many things I love about the Presbyterian Church is how diverse we are — and how we celebrate that diversity,” said GAC Executive Director Linda Valentine. “For many years we have recognized both those presbyteries that gave and did the most, and those presbyteries that gave and did the most for their size.”

The top 10 presbyteries in giving were honored on the Assembly’s opening day Saturday, June 21, during the GAC’s report to the General Assembly, and will be celebrated at a reception later in the week. They will also be recognized in a printed report distributed at the Assembly.

The Basic Mission category includes shared mission support (unrestricted) and directed mission support (designated) contributions totaling more than $100 million for the work of the PC(USA) at its presbytery, synod and General Assembly levels.

The special offerings category includes contributions to the Christmas Joy Offering, One Great Hour of Sharing, the Peacemaking Offering and the Pentecost Offering.

“Other specific appeals” in 2007 included Extra Commitment Opportunities, the Mission Initiative: Joining Hearts and Hands, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and the Theological Education Fund.

The Top 10 presbyteries in giving for 2007 by category:

Top 10 presbyteries by per member giving to Shared Mission Support & Directed

Mission Support:

Carlisle Presbytery (15,224)



Santa Fe Presbytery (7,118)



Donegal Presbytery (22,822)



Cascades Presbytery (25,903)



Wyoming Presbytery (4,868)

$ 81,448.66


Southeastern Illinois Presbytery (11,559)



South Alabama Presbytery (5,259)



West Virginia Presbytery (13,260)



Lake Michigan Presbytery (19,130)



Eastern Oregon Presbytery (1,112)



Top 10 presbyteries by total giving to Shared Mission Support & Directed Mission Support:

Chicago Presbytery


Philadelphia Presbytery


Cascades Presbytery


Donegal Presbytery


Grace Presbytery


Carlisle Presbytery


Detroit Presbytery


Lake Michigan Presbytery


Greater Atlanta Presbytery


Los Ranchos Presbytery


Top 10 presbyteries in per member giving to Special Offerings:

Alaska Presbytery (1,290)



Sierra Blanca Presbytery (2,161)



Western Colorado Presbytery (2,427)



Eastern Oregon Presbytery (1,112)



National Capital Presbytery (35,381)



Carlisle Presbytery (15,224)



Cascades Presbytery (25,903)



Grand Canyon Presbytery (16,277)



Plains & Peaks Presbytery (10,826)



Eastminster Presbytery (11,578)



Top 10 presbyteries in total giving to Special Offerings:

National Capital Presbytery


Grace Presbytery


Philadelphia Presbytery


Cascades Presbytery


Chicago Presbytery


New Covenant Presbytery


Donegal Presbytery


Detroit Presbytery


Twin Cities Area Presbytery


Mission Presbytery


Top 10 presbyteries in per member giving to Other Special Appeals:

Santa Fe Presbytery (7,118)



San Fernando Presbytery (8,498)



New York City Presbytery (17,390)



Sheppards & Lapsley Presbytery (13,738)



Wyoming Presbytery (4,868)



Cimarron Presbytery (2,572)



Los Ranchos Presbytery (21,959)



New Harmony Presbytery (13,391)



Pacific Presbytery (15,316)



Milwaukee Presbytery (11,280)



Top 10 presbyteries in total giving to Other Special Appeals:

National Capital Presbytery


Philadelphia Presbytery


Pittsburgh Presbytery


Los Ranchos Presbytery


Greater Atlanta Presbytery


New York City Presbytery


Mission Presbytery


Chicago Presbytery


Western North Carolina Presbytery


Charlotte Presbytery


Top 10 presbyteries in per member total giving:

Santa Fe Presbytery (7,118)



Carlisle Presbytery (15,224)



Wyoming Presbytery (4,868)



Cascades Presbytery (25,903)



Donegal Presbytery (22,822)



Eastern Oregon Presbytery (1,112)



Southeastern Illinois Presbytery (11,559)



Western Colorado Presbytery (2,427)



Pacific Presbytery (15,315)



Redwoods Presbytery (7,917)



Top 10 presbyteries in total giving:

Philadelphia Presbytery


National Capital Presbytery


Chicago Presbytery


Cascades Presbytery


Grace Presbytery


Donegal Presbytery


Greater Atlanta Presbytery


Detroit Presbytery


Mission Presbytery


Los Ranchos Presbytery


