Camp E.D.G.E.: Experience and Discover God Everywhere
Cokesbury’s Camp E.D.G.E. takes VBS to the extreme in 2009! Based on Psalm 118:14a, it’s an action-packed expedition to an extreme adventure camp where kids learn their strength and might come from God. Through daily E.D.G.E. pledges, new rockin’ music, extreme sports videos, mind-boggling science activities, recreation games, and challenging crafts, your kids will live on the E.D.G.E. – Experiencing and Discovering God Everywhere!
Bible stories include: Trek to the Promised Land (Joshua 1:1-11; 3:1-4:18), Trek to Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1-12), Trek to the Pharisee’s House (Luke 14:7-14), Trek to the Upper Room (John 13-17), and Trek to Galilee (Matthew 28:1-10, 16-20).
On the Move: God’s Grace from Place to Place
Abingdon Press’ On the Move is a unique, heritage-based, multicultural Christian education resource that is perfect for VBS! It focuses on how God’s spirit gave momentum to the Civil Rights Movement in different places, drawing the people of God towards greatness through blessing, justice, truth, and reconciliation. The lessons promote God’s power for life in building up the community, as persons are reconciled to one another and to Jesus Christ. Scripture passages and themes are: Moving with God Towards Justice (Judges 4:4-10); Moving with God Towards Greatness (Genesis 39:1-2; 41:14-21); Moving with God Towards Blessing (Luke 9:10-17; Matthew 14:21); Moving with God Towards Truth (1 Kings 10:1-10, 13), and Moving with God Towards Reconciliation (Acts 15:36-41; 2 Timothy 4:9-11).
Concordia Publishing
Gadget’s Garage, Jesus makes all things new!
Gadget, teen inventor, and Gizmo, his latest invention, lead kids through five incredible Bible stories that show the wonders of God’s world, His indescribable love in Christ, and His unshakable Word in the Bible. Kids stand in awe at the wonder of God’s creation. They wonder at Jesus changing water into wine and sinners into new creations. They dig around Jesus’ story about a farmer and his crops to unearth God’s Word growing in them. Kids marvel that Jesus showed His true identity, power, and glory on a mountaintop and on the road to Emmaus. They discover that Jesus our Savior died to set sinners free and give us lives filled with good works He prepared for us to do!
Gospel Light
SonRock Kids Camp
Remember summer camp — the fun games, new friends, singing around the campfire … and the most important memory, making the life-changing decision to follow Jesus? Summer camp is the ideal place to lead kids to Christ. And Gospel Light’s SonRock Kids Camp VBS provides evangelism opportunities and the salvation message in every lesson. That’s why SonRock Kids Camp is a great choice when you’re really serious about reaching kids for Christ. It’s high-energy fun for kids while keeping the focus on Jesus. Bring your kids to SonRock Kids Camp and give them memories that will last a lifetime!
Kingdom of the Son
Gospel Light invites kids to go on a spectacular prayer safari with Kingdom of the Son Vacation Bible School. At Kingdom of the Son, children will learn to talk with God as they explore The Lord’s Prayer while journeying into the magnificent grassland region of Tanzania and Kenya.
During their safari in Kingdom of the Son, children will hear Bible stories of Jesus’ life as he teaches about prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), feeds 5,000 people (John 6:1-15), tells about an unforgiving servant (Matthew 18:21-35), triumphs over temptation (Matthew 4:1-11) and overcomes death (Matthew 26:28-36).
Group Publishing
Crocodile Dock: Where Fearless Kids Shine God’s Light
There are MIRACLES … and there are miracles. This summer your kids will discover both. At Crocodile Dock VBS, kids explore MIRACLES — the big stuff God did to make himself known — a burning bush, healing of the sick, Jesus’ resurrection. But kids also discover God’s little miracles — demonstrations of God’s love in everyday life. “God Sightings” help your children see God at work in their lives. Your children will know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God is alive, active, and with them every moment. You’ll see kids’ love for God grow, and their excitement about his love bubble over. At Crocodile Dock kids aren’t just taught, they’re transformed.
ROME: Paul and the Underground Church
A mighty empire. A mightier message … God’s love. This summer surround your VBS kids with the sights, sounds, and (tasty!) smells of first-century Rome. Your children won’t just hear about Bible events, they’ll experience them. They’ll chat with first-century shopkeepers, tiptoe past Roman guards, and meet the Apostle Paul — your Bible teacher all week long! With Group’s ROME VBS you’ll discover easy decorations that transform your church into a Roman market; first-century crafts that draw your kids into the experience; publicity help you can use to invite the entire neighborhood; and gifts and supplies. ROME — it’s the easy and flexible VBS for churches of all sizes!
Herald Press
Catch the Spirit! Join God’s Work in the World.
From the beginning of creation, God’s Spirit has been on the move. People today, like Jesus’ followers in the Bible, are invited to join the action! The power of the Holy Spirit causes the church to grow, and amazing things to happen. Presented by Faith & Life Resources, Catch the Spirit uses stories from Acts to bring kids face to face with the power of the Holy Spirit, and teach them how to get involved, speak up, and join God’s work around the world. Through worship, interactive dramas, lively songs, an emphasis on active Bible learning, and 10 activity centers, children age 4 to grade 8 are challenged to live together as Jesus’ followers and to share the good news of Jesus with others. Daily Bible texts and themes are: Day 1: What’s Happening? Acts 1:1-2:12, Day 2: Be Church, Acts 2:37-47, Day 3: Speak Up! Acts 8: 4-8, 26-40, Day 4: Trouble, Acts 6: 1-6, and Day 5: Join the Action! Acts 3:1-10; 9:36-43; 15:35-41; 16:11-15. The activity centers focus on the work of God’s Church around the world, creating, feasting, gathering, healing, loving, playing, sharing, singing, stretching, and telling.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Curriculum Publishing in partnership with Augsburg Fortress Publishing
Discovery Canyon: Explore the Wonders of the World brings children full circle with activities, lasting friendships, and Bible adventures. Each day kids explore the Word, make Bible connections, and collect critter friends — each carefully linked to the Bible verse and daily story. The Director’s guide features the PC(USA) Vacation Bible School Mission Project for the Menaul School of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Congregational Ministries Publishing
We Believe Mission Stories 2009 for Children and We Believe Mission Stories 2009 for Youth & Adults.
Each easy-to-use session includes a four-page leader’s guide, photographs, videos, and resource pages. Both age-levels share the same mission locations. The Biblically-based children’s curriculum (K-5) features stories from children of PC(USA) mission personnel or PC(USA) mission personnel who work with children. The youth and adult curriculum features Bible stories written by participants of the PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer program. Each downloadable, 13-session curriculum connects participants to 13 mission sites around the United States and the world.