
Call to Prayer for the Release of Sudanese Christian Prisoner of Conscience

Presbyterians have a long history of ministry and mission with the people of Sudan and South Sudan. We have worked, rejoiced, prayed, and grieved with our sisters and brothers. We continue to do so today with the people of both countries:

Fighting continues in South Sudan despite the peace agreement signed on May 9.

The violence, which began in December 2013, has claimed thousands of lives and displaced 1.3 million South Sudanese, including 350,000 people who have fled to neighboring countries.

According to the latest data, four million people face acute food insecurity in South Sudan.

The Sudanese government continues to direct violence against its own people in Darfur and in South Kordofan and Blue Nile, including a bombing on Mother of Mercy Hospital in Gidel.

Christians in Sudan face harassment and persecution. Meriam Yehya Ibrahim, a Christian Sudanese woman who is pregnant, was recently convicted on charges of “adultery” and “apostasy” and was sentenced to flogging and death.

We call Presbyterians to continue to stand with our brothers and sisters in Christ and all the people of Sudan and South Sudan at this time. We urge you to:

Pray fervently for compassion, peace, and justice for all God’s children in Sudan and South Sudan.

Advocate for the release of Meriam Yehya Ibrahim.

Ask our public officials to insure funding for humanitarian aid to South Sudan.

Contact President Obama and urge him to appoint former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton to help negotiate a lasting peace in South Sudan.

Share your financial blessings by designating your gifts to support emergency relief and peace building efforts to DR000042-South Sudan.  Individuals may give through your local Presbyterian congregation, online, or by mailing a check to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) P.O. Box 643700 Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3700.

May God guide the leaders and people of Sudan and South Sudan in the paths of peace.

Neal Presa
Moderator of the 220th General Assembly (2012)

Gradye Parsons,
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly

Linda Bryant Valentine,
Executive Director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency

