
Honorably retired (from the March 16, 2015 issue)

Lawrence W. Farris, from member at large, Kalamazoo, Mich.

Michael L. Frandsen, from member at large, Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley

G. Sidney Gunter, from pastor, Heritage Presbyterian Church, Denver

Lee W. Hahnlen, from temporary pastor, Hat Creek Presbyterian Church, Brookneal, Va.

Jesse W. Hegler, from pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Kershaw, S.C.

Robert M. Johnston III, from member at large, Phoenix

Laury W. Larson, from associate pastor, Church of the Covenant, Cleveland

Kenyon G. Meeks Jr., from general presbyter, Northeast Georgia Presbytery

Dennis E. Morey, from pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Oskaloosa, Iowa

C. David Morgan, from member at large, Muskingum Valley Presbytery

Henry Rivers, from pastor, Hebron-Zion Presbyterian Church, Johns Island, S.C.

Darrel M. Robertson, from pastor, Presbyterian Congregational Church, Ashland, Wis.

Thomas Macy Ross, from pastor, Mount Baker Presbyterian Church, Concrete, Wash.

Charles R. Sanders Jr., from interim pastor, Fairlawn Presbyterian Church, Radford, Va.

Harry J. Schill III, from member at large, Cockeysville, Md.

Bruce H. Schlenke, from pastor, Wexford Community Presbyterian Church, Wexford, Pa.

Robin W. Shoup, from member at large, Donora, Pa.

Jonathan D. Speck, from interim pastor, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Lebanon, Pa.

Dee Talley, from interim pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Wausau, Wis.

