
2016 “What happened at General Assembly?” post-GA bulletin inserts

GA order form image 1What will they hear? Who will tell them?

Give your church members a fast, accurate and fair account of what happened at the General Assembly.  We’ll explain how the assembly voted on the most significant issues – from new denominational leadership to the world’s concerns.

You can provide them with a summary of the news in a bulletin insert the day after the assembly adjourns prepared by the award-winning Presbyterian Outlook news team. Download it and print as many as you need.

The PDF is just $20 for congregations with less than 250-members and $30 for congregations greater than 250-members.

Post-GA bulletin inserts are available June 25
Spanish and Korean translations available

Looking for the Pre-GA bulletin inserts? Click here.

Churches with membership less than 250 = $20
Churches with membership of 250 or more =$30

Presbyteries are invited to order for all of their congregations for 1 cent per member. Call George Whipple to order: (800) 446-6008 ext. 756

Bulletins come in regular and large print versions.



