
What Good Can Come from Nazareth? (a hymn)

“What Good Can Come from Nazareth?”
AURELIA D (“The Church’s One Foundation”)

“What good can come from Nazareth? Can any good at all?”
Nathaniel said to Philip when he heard Philip’s call.
The prophets never praised it— that little backwoods place!
He thought God wouldn’t choose it to be a means of grace.

And yet, when he met Jesus, Nathaniel changed his ways.
His words that put down others soon turned to words of praise.
He called our Savior “Rabbi!” and “Son of God!” and “King!”
What change a little listening and openness can bring!

“What good can come from strangers?” O God, we hear the shout.
For some hate other people and seek to push them out.
May we who follow Jesus be glad to “Come and see!”
May we learn from each other with true humility.

O God of all our cultures, now make us one, we pray.
May we see your grace working in all your lands this day.
May we hear others’ stories— what makes them sad or strong,
Till— listening— we find friendship, with love our common song.

Biblical Reference: John 1:43-51
Tune: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1864
Text: Copyright © 2018 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Permission is given for free use in worship.

Download PDF bulletin insert of scored music and lyrics: What Good Can Come from Nazareth

Download lyrics-only bulletin insert: What Good Can Come from Nazareth?

