
What’s right about Cane Bay Presbyterian Church?

Cane Bay Presbyterian Church — Summerville, South Carolina

Cane Bay Presbyterian Church is a new church development in suburban Charleston, South Carolina. We have about 80 participants and worship in a middle school cafeteria. Here’s our top 10 list of what’s right:

10. We received good funding from Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery.

9.  Social media helps us creatively meet people in the community. We’re currently doing an online scavenger hunt!

8.  All meetings other than worship are in homes. It’s an “early church” vibe.

7.  We’ll soon have worship and office space in the new YMCA — a great chance for exposure and to meet new people.

6.  Music is a blend of traditional, gospel    and contemporary.

5.  This summer, we held outdoor worship in neighborhood HOA facilities.

4.  We’re learning not to overemphasize   worship attendance. The Spirit is growing us in many ways.

3.  We’ve parted ways with a few folks who can’t “roll” with the beautiful chaos of new church.

2.  We have challenging conversations using words like Christendom, post-Christian, and nones and dones.

1.   We are not afraid to fail. We’ve gotten quite good at failing, in fact.

– Jim Moss, organizing pastor (

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