Westminster Presbyterian Church — Jackson, Michigan
Westminster Presbyterian Church learned about an unmet need in our community and figured out a way to meet it. When a local nonprofit told us that they were unable to fill requests for toiletries, cleaning products and paper products, we were pretty sure we could meet the need – but knew our small church of less than 100 members couldn’t do it alone. We invited other churches to join us, and together organized a weekly “non-food pantry” to distribute 15 necessary, consumable items that aren’t covered by food stamps. Think of life without deodorant, toilet paper and laundry detergent! Each church or team of churches serves our guests one week each month. All key staff members are volunteers, and funds and products come from churches, community organizations, grants, fundraising and gifts. Jackson Personal Care Ministry recently celebrated its six-year anniversary. We serve an average of 135 households from the county every week.
— Karen Kelley, pastor
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