
Presbyterian Outlook bicentennial celebration

Congratulatory ads

If you are unable to attend the celebration, you can still be a part of this historic occasion.  Please consider purchasing a congratulatory ad which will be included in our last issue of 2019. You can include good wishes or express your appreciation for the Presbyterian Outlook and its contributors.  Individuals, churches, groups and institutions can purchase an ad.  Ad sales end November 1 and materials are due November 4.

On October 5, we celebrated The Presbyterian Outlook’s first 200 years. Brian Blount and Ted Wardlaw spoke on the past, present and future role of the magazine in church and culture.  Editor Jill Duffield offered a reflection and moderated a time of questions and answers. Thank you for your continued support of The Presbyterian Outlook’s mission and ministry.

I am unable to attend but would like to donate.



Keynote address: “Navigating between ‘amen’ and ‘no’: The dilemma and promise of The Presbyterian Outlook” by Ted Wardlaw, president of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary

A time of remembrance

Keynote address: “Flesh in the Word: A Presbyterian outlook for our time” by Brian K. Blount, president, of Union Presbyterian Seminary


Lunch, fellowship and remembrance

Response and Q-and- A with our speakers moderated by Outlook editor Jill Duffield



Ted Wardlaw
President, Austin Theological Seminary


Brian K. Blount
President, Union Presbyterian Seminary



