Hello! I have just now received your email,
and I am calling to invite you
to tell me more.
Why? Fair question.
To begin, I have read your written communication as
maybe even Aggressive
and … I could go on.
But instead, my experience teaches that a considerable number of emails —
let’s say 68% —
have the actual
Point of Contention
lurking behind what was written,
or looming above the words like an unspoken
storm cloud.
What’s more, about 83% of the time when I think someone is being critical
of something I’ve said or done,
it’s actually the vapor of my own anxiety,
a mist that should dissipate almost immediately …
I insist on bottling it,
preserving its foul stench to waft,
then wear into rooms of other conversations,
including perhaps a future get-together with you.
I am calling to invite you
to tell me more
about what you wrote
and what you meant
and what you hope
will come of it,
for this type of sharing is reported to yield positive results more than 75% of the time!
And what better time than now?