Southport Presbyterian Church — Southport, North Carolina
What do you do when COVID-19 strikes and suddenly church members and community members are isolated in their homes? You bring them food! The Southport Presbyterian Church Mission Team began preparing food in the church kitchen. Masked and gloved, we prepared meals for about 40 individuals. For the first meal, we partnered with our Congregational Care Team to deliver the meals to church members who had been on our prayer list. The next meal went to our “adoptive families” — those in the community that we assist during the year through a program at the local elementary school. Then we partnered with a local residence for older community members and delivered the meals to them. In each instance, the meals were very well received, and the recipients expressed appreciation. We are excited to be following Jesus’ call to feed the hungry, in spirit and body.
— Laura Cacchione, clerk of session