BEULAH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH — Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Over the past 18 months, Beulah Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh has planted over 600 trees and shrubs with plans to continue this project over the next four years. Not only does this mission revitalize our property, but it benefits the local community by fighting deforestation. In this work, we partner with two local organizations, Plant Five for Life (a nonprofit fostering a connection between children and land) and Garfield Community Farm (an urban farm run by The Open Door Presbyterian Church).
One of our projects is to plant a line of trees that will mitigate air pollution from a nearby highway. We are grateful for the interest of our members, friends and community. Just this fall, a group of students from the University of Pittsburgh joined us to plant. It is a beautiful thing to come together and engage the reconciliation and restoration of creation as an act of worship to our Creator God.
— Alex Ruzanic, Director of youth and missional outreach