“Jesus Welcomed Those Around Him” tells the story of Jesus calling two disciples and saying, “Come and see!” is a prayer that we will be humble and loving as we invite others to follow Jesus.
Jesus Welcomed Those Around Him
PASS ME NOT (Doane) with refrain (“Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior”)
Jesus welcomed those around him
to his ministry.
Two men wondered at his teaching;
he said, “Come and see!”
Was it faith or
Lord, we wonder at what drew them
to your ministry.
Jesus, there are many reasons
people follow you.
Some are grateful for your welcome;
some seek words of truth.
Some are asking
what their lives could be.
Lord, you call to all, inviting,
saying, “Come and see!”
Christ, we’ve heard your invitation!
Here we are— your church!
Guide our humble conversations
with the ones who search.
May we listen
humbly, lovingly,
May we share the Good News, saying,
“Neighbor, come and see!”
Biblical Reference: John 1:29-42
Tune: William Howard Doane, 1870.
Text: Copyright © 2023 by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette. All rights reserved.
Email: carolynshymns@gmail.com New Hymns: www.carolynshymns.com
For sheet music: “Jesus Welcomed Those Around Him”
Permission is given for free use by churches in worship services (in person and online) to use this hymn. Please share it with other church pastors and musicians in the hopes it will help build support for churches caring about refugees.