In our reading, Part B is concerned not with policing theological belief but with promoting behaviors of respect for all people across many lines of difference and privilege.
CTS has appointed the Rev. Shavon Starling-Louis – fresh off the culmination of her term as Co-Moderator of the 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – as Campus Minister, effective August 1.
"We believe the overture calls each of us to value the beautiful diversity of the Body of Christ, while also inviting all of us called to serve in ordered ministries to imagine how our welcome can be as full and complete as God’s welcome to each of us in Jesus Christ."
The keynote speaker at the breakfast is Zoughbi al Zoughbi, a peacemaker in West Bank, Palestine. Hymn Writer Carolyn Winfrey Gillette will also receive the Peaceseeker Award.
The Rev. James Mohr II, college chaplain and director of church relations at Westminster College, has been named one of Pennsylvania’s trailblazers in the field of education.
The Wonder of Worship program at Columbia Theological Seminary is offering a second round of grants of $1,000 to congregations nationally looking to enhance the engagement of children in their corporate workspaces.
"It is a measured, faithful, timely effort to strengthen the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), ensuring that the gifts and calling of LGBTQIA+ people as members and leaders are honored and celebrated."