Outlook Horizons Studies God with us through our trials (Horizons 6) “God’s Promise: I Am With You” Lesson 6: God with us through our trials Isaiah 41:8-13; 43:1-7 Grim and brutal is the..
Outlook Horizons Studies God with us when we are powerless (Horizons 5) “God’s Promise: I Am With You” 2 Chronicles 20:1-30; Deuteronomy 20:1-4 An imminent attack during King Jehoshaphat’s reign and a portion of..
Outlook Horizons Studies God with us when we seek God (Horizons 4) “God’s Promise: I Am With You” Lesson 4: 1 Chronicles 28:1-21; 1 Kings 11:1-13, 29-30 “Sinners in the hands of an angry God”..
Outlook Horizons Studies God with us in our discouragement (Horizons 3) “God’s Promise: I Am With You” Lesson 3: Deuteronomy 31:1-8; Joshua 1:1-9; Haggai 1:1-15, 2:1-9 We all face times of discouragement. Discouragement..
Outlook Horizons Studies Our weakness, God’s strength (Horizons 2) “God’s Promise: I Am With You” Lesson 2: Exodus 3:1-12, Judges 6:11-27 “To recognize our weaknesses is a great blessing.” How does..
Outlook Horizons Studies God with us wherever we are (Horizons 1) Horizons 1 (selections from Genesis 25, 27 and 28) "God's Promise: I Am With You" You would think God would have better..
Outlook Horizons Studies “God’s Promise: I Am With You” (Study preview) Horizons Bible Study 2018-2019 Think back through your life to the moments when you have known that God was with you. Usually..
Outlook Horizons Studies How are saints like a cross-country team? (Horizons 9) HORIZONS BIBLE STUDY 2017-2018 “Cloud of Witnesses: The Community of Christ in Hebrews” Lesson 9: In Community with the Hope of the..
Outlook Horizons Studies The household of faith (Horizons 8) Horizons Bible Study 2017-2018 “Cloud of Witnesses: The Community of Christ in Hebrews” Lesson 8: In Community with the Household of Faith (Hebrews..
Outlook Horizons Studies The benefits of Sabbath (Horizons 7) Horizons Bible Study 2017-2018 “Cloud of Witnesses: The Community of Christ in Hebrews” Lesson 7: In Community with the Hope of the..