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Fresh Outlook Bible Studies: “The Devil You Say”


Fresh takes on enduring questions of faith.


Be afraid! Be very afraid! Or not! What’s the deal with the devil? Is he someone? Is he someone to fear? Does it matter whether we acknowledge the devil at all? And what does Jesus have to say about all this? Take a panoramic tour of Satan’s development from God’s prosecuting attorney to the source of quintessential evil himself.


“The Devil You Say” includes four sessions:

  • Session 1: The Satan in Popular Culture
  • Session 2: The Satan of the Hebrew Scriptures
  • Session 3: Jesus and Satan
  • Session 4: Satan: So What?

Each Fresh Outlook Bible Study includes four sessions. Each session offers the facilitators:

  • Tips for preparation
  • A supply list
  • Suggestions for opening and closing prayers
  • An introduction to the topic at hand and how Christians have understood it
  • Opportunities to “try on” aspects of the topic
  • Key takeaways
  • Suggestions for inviting participants as co-leaders

You can save money by purchasing more than one Fresh Outlook lesson. Scroll down to “Bundle and save” to learn more.


“As a college chaplain, I’m asked about how faith and life merge in our ever-changing world. No topic is off-limits when it comes to college students. I am grateful for this new curriculum because it addresses the topics and concerns of today’s young adults. It will be an added value to my ministry and any ministry that is walking alongside this generation of seekers.”

— Margaret Alsup, college chaplain and director of service at Lyon College

“Young people yearn for real conversations, strong bible study and relevant faith practices. Fresh Outlook Bible Studies does just that, essential for our faith formation in the church.”

— Michelle Thomas-Bush, associate pastor for youth and their families at Myers Park Presbyterian Church

Fresh Outlook Bible Studies from Presbyterian Outlook is one of the rare jewels that belongs in the library of everyone who works with youth and young adults. … Deep attention is given to relevance and honesty, as well as authentic connections to what Scripture teaches us about these challenging topics. The lessons are well-written and easy for leaders to use. … The flexibility and depth of this resource is not to be missed. Add it to your ‘get this’ list.”

Elizabeth Christie, Practical Resources for Churches resource center

“When you are in ministry with college students, you can spend hours looking for a good curriculum you can use for Bible study. Is the topic interesting? How much time will you have to spend editing it to work in your own context — and do you have that time? Do you have the materials you will need? Can you hand it to a student leader?

Look no further because the Fresh Outlook Bible Studies curriculum is here! Published by the Presbyterian Outlook, they are resources that can be trusted to combine an awareness of the spiritual lives of young adults with theological and biblical integrity. I highly recommend these easy-to-use resources.”

— Gini Norris-Lane, executive director of UKirk Campus Ministries in the Presbyterian Mission Agency

What do I get when I purchase?

When you purchase “The Devil You Say,” you will receive an email today including the material as a digital download.

Bundle and save

The Fresh Outlook series also includes the lessons: “God in the Mirror,” “Sex and the Bible,” “Breathe” “What’s Your Superpower?” “Revelation: Professing Christ Today” and “Badass Women of the Bible.”

If you purchase three lessons, you get a discount of $15 off your total order. Use the discount code “Fresh3” at checkout.

If you purchase six lessons, you get a discount of $30 off your total order. Use the discount code “Fresh6” at checkout.

See all Fresh Outlook lessons.


Want a sample? You can view one here.

More Fresh Outlook                     

Did you know that Fresh Outlook Bible Studies is a limited series from the Outlook? Other lessons include: “What’s Your Superpower,” “God in the Mirror,” “Sex and the Bible,” “Breathe” and “Badass Women of the Bible.”

See “Bundle and save” to learn about how you can save money by purchasing more than one lesson at a time.

About the author

Mark D. Hinds, Ed.D., is the Fresh Outlook Bible Studies series editor. Mark is a retired writer, editor and publisher for Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) curriculum development. He has degrees from Trinity University, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the Presbyterian School of Christian Education (now Union Presbyterian Seminary). His 1994 dissertation was titled The Book of Proverbs: Toward Alternative Pedagogical Principles for Confirmation in the PC(USA). He is the writer of Presbyterian Outlook’s Changing the World confirmation curriculum. In retirement, he enjoys writing for the church. Mark lives in Louisville, Kentucky, with his partner and spouse, Rev. Dr. Peggy C. Hinds.
