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No More “Church as Usual” – Inviting God to Do a New Thing (or Two)

This webinar encourages faith communities and their leaders to reconsider “church as usual,” reengage Spirit-led entrepreneurialism and reimagine new models of ministry bubbling up in your midst.

Minimum price: $10.00



A 90-minute presentation by Nate Phillips

The mainline church has a morale problem. Nate Phillips, author of “Do Something Else,” will guide a discussion on where churches can look for encouragement. This webinar encourages faith communities and their leaders to reconsider “church as usual,” reengage Spirit-led entrepreneurialism and reimagine new models of ministry bubbling up in your midst. Many churches and leaders are already setting the pace. They are establishing new gatherings in old buildings and using new buildings to do old things. They are emphasizing diversity, welcome, and friendship. If these stories are hidden from view, they shouldn’t be.

In this webinar, we

  • Uncover how these new expressions got started,
  • How they are led,
  • How they struggle, and
  • How they are sustained.

Who should attend?

This webinar encourages candidates for ministry who see limited options, ministers who wonder about staying in ministry, call-seekers trying to find hope in a desolate career landscape and churches attempting to manage staffs with limited resources. It also offers permission to small churches resigned to be “without a pastor,” larger churches looking to do a new thing in an unorthodox way and middle governing bodies who need promising examples of working models in order to take the risk on new opportunities.

What do I get when I order?

When you order today, you will receive a link to a recording of the webinar as well as any other additional resources.

What is the price?

We ask that you pay $10 for individual viewing and $20 if a group views the recording. If your group is larger than 25, please email for pricing.

How do I pay?

Based on the pricing structure outlined above, enter the appropriate amount in the “name your price” box when you check out. Thank you!

This webinar is one way Presbyterian Outlook funds our ministry as a prophetic, pastoral and independent publication focused on creating trustworthy resources and spaces for conversation. Thank you for your support.

Nate Phillips serves as co-pastor at Red Clay Creek Presbyterian Church in Wilmington, Delaware. He is the creator of FIRST (Freeing the Imagination of the Recently Seminary Trained), a mechanism for new types of evangelism and church starts in the PC(USA).
