
What’s right about Westminster By-The-Sea Presbyterian Church?

Westminster By-The-Sea Presbyterian Church — Daytona Beach Shores, Florida

After reading Leslie Scanlon’s article about churches responding to the opioid epidemic (“Addiction and recovery” in the Sept. 3, 2018, issue), I was motivated to share what our congregation is doing. Tobias Caskey, a commissioned pastor, was a new member in 2011, looking to take his life experiences and make a difference in our community. He started the “Friends of Francis” program, collecting clothes, bicycles and other equipment to help homeless people in their quest for employment. That ministry grew into him becoming the chaplain for Solutions by-the-Sea, a ministry to 160 recently incarcerated or addicted men. From a new member, to a ruling elder, to a commissioned pastor, Tobias has stepped up to serve the Lord and be a valuable member of the church. Now he is under care of our presbytery and enrolled in Dubuque Seminary to become a minister. 

Jeffrey Sumner, pastor

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