
What’s right about First Presbyterian Church of Alma?

First Presbyterian Church of Alma — Alma, Michigan

What’s right about First Presbyterian Church of Alma? The desire to not let Sunday school die! Like many churches, we’ve been facing dwindling Sunday school attendance for years. The Sunday school landscape went down from five classes serving 25 students each 20 years ago, to one class with two students in 2016.

The solution we came up with to “Save Sunday school” is a pot-luck type gathering after church on the second Sunday of every month, with an educational program afterward. The younger children head off to a Sunday school room and the older youth join the adults in an educational program after lunch.

Examples of Second Sundays for the adults include: Bible trivia, the history of Halloween, the story of Lent and readings about love for Valentine’s Day. The children have various lessons based on Bible verses, generally tied to crafts, such as making Valentine’s cards and holiday food boxes.

— Sheryle Dixon

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