
What’s right about Central Presbyterian Church?


Central Presbyterian Church — Downingtown, Pennsylvania

At its May meeting, the church’s Mission Committee launched a “Masks for Neighbors” project. Emma Aucker, a member of Central’s youth group, approached me about taking it on as her graduation project. On June 4, the Masks for Neighbors station was set up in the church parking lot. Even before the last masks were hung, cars were pulling into the lot. It took some convincing that the masks were free — our way of loving our neighbors.

Church folks sew masks, donate fabric and supplies. Emma creates the blessing cards, stuffs the biodegradable bags and tracks the project’s progress.

On July 16 we gathered to celebrate the hanging of mask #1,000 — complete with a hymn specially written for the occasion!

The community is grateful — they even leave notes of thanks on the station. But even better, they are now engaged — offering to donate masks and supplies to be a part of loving our neighbors together!

Jenny Warren, transitional pastoral associate

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