Many churches are leveraging email more than print these days — or at least they are trying! The two most popular options for curating emails are Constant Contact and MailChimp. I have used both; I would recommend ConstantContact for a larger church (over 2,000 contacts), but MailChimp is just as robust and efficient (and in fact, I like it better) for smaller churches (under 2,000 contacts). MailChimp allows you to: upload 2,000 email contacts for free (can be done in one step using a spreadsheet import); create email templates with the church logo, contact information, social media profiles all linked; and automatically publish emails to your social media platforms. Emails can also be scheduled ahead of time. Emails are professional and past online worship videos can be embedded or linked. The church I serve uses MailChimp to send out a weekly email, and we also use it to announce memorial services and other special events.