
Church of the Savior — Warr Acres, Oklahoma

"Even the small can be mighty.”

Church of the Savior volunteers following a “5th Sunday” service day. (back row, from left) Bill Johnson, Leonard Murphy, Judi Johnson, Lois Murphy, Brent Billerbeck, Laura Billerbeck, Pat Martindale, Jean Martindale, Paula Pons, Ellis Glazner, Grady Glazner, Barbara Harden, (front row, from left) Pastor Randy Scott, Diana Webster, Mary Webster, Jerry Ventress, Barb Klein, Dave Webster. Photo by Jordan Lovelace, Urban Mission OKC Volunteer Coordinator

What’s right with Church of the Savior? Even the small can be mighty. We are a very small congregation of mostly elderly members, but we take seriously Jesus’ instruction in Luke 10:37 to “go and do likewise.”

The congregation followed this call and has designated all 5th Sundays in every calendar year to be celebrated in service to our community. Sometimes, we meet in our church to complete a project such as collecting and organizing school supplies. Other projects offer us an opportunity to worship outside the sanctuary. On July 31, 2022, 18 members of the congregation bagged canned goods and water for The Urban Mission in Oklahoma City, which were distributed to over 600 people.

Past 5th Sundays have included such worshipful service activities as fringing/knotting blankets for people who are experiencing homelessness, handing the blankets out at city corners, and sharing familiar scriptures and hymns with those in care centers.

Whether we are in our church or out in our community, we begin each 5th Sunday service project with prayer. This reminds us to celebrate the infinite value of each person in God’s eyes. In the following weeks, we remember those we seek to serve in prayer and are reminded again that Jesus told us to “go and do likewise.”

