What are you waiting for, Alpha and Omega? Are you waiting for us to recognize our need for you? We are desperate for your inbreaking.
What are you waiting for, Most High God? Are you waiting for us to plead for relief from the chaos we have created? We cry out on behalf of a groaning creation to deliver us from evil.
What are you waiting for, God of our ancestors? Are you waiting for us to give thanks for your inexplicable unwillingness to give up on us? We praise you for your relentless love for the world and for your steadfast care of us.
What are you waiting for, Triune God? Are you waiting for us to better reflect the Savior we prepare to welcome and worship? We admit our shortcomings and ask for your help trusting the Spirit will intercede for us.
We are waiting, Gracious God, for your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, full of grace and truth, to join our human family, take on our human frailty, bind up our wounds, make us whole and save us.
We know we do not wait or work in vain because you, God of all that is seen and unseen, keep your word, stay true to your character and promise to never abandon us. Confident as your children, we wait in peace, eager to bear witness to your love incarnate, Emmanuel, God with us now and always. Amen.