
Tech watch: Transcription

Jody Mask rounds up some of the best software options when it comes to transcribing audio to text.

Photo by Craig Pattenaude on Unsplash

You don’t have to beware the transcribes!

Are you a preacher or Christian educator looking for ways to share your sermons or lessons in text as well as audio formats? Or maybe you’re a clerk of session or other church scribe trying to make recording your minutes more efficient and accurate. Have you considered the potential benefit of a transcription service?

To use one, you’ll need to upload a digital audio recording of your presentation or conversation. The more voices involved, the trickier this becomes, so use quality tools for recording. Some transcription services employ humans, others use automated speech recognition. Some offer subscriptions, while many charge by the minute.

In its reviews of transcription services for 2022, TechRadar also paid attention to how these providers treat their workers. Sometimes customer efficiency comes with an unseen price for laborers. At the top of their list are tools from Rev, Scribie and Temi. You can even use the cloud-based version of Microsoft Word for up to 300 minutes of free audio transcription per month.

Know your needs as you research. Is accuracy paramount, or are you okay spending some time cleaning up? Are you on a tight budget, or can you afford to splurge? Do you prefer the convenience of a service with a built-in text editor, collaboration or long-term access to your transcriptions? Does it integrate with video meeting platforms?

Repurposing content is a best practice in our multimedia landscape and a quality transcription can make this much easier for your ministry.

